Hello, everybody my name is Markiplier And welcome to The Joy Of Creation Now this game was made by the same developer of Those Nights at Rachels, Which is a game that you guys have requested a lot And I'm still debating on whether I'm gonna play it, But this one caught my eye. Because it's made in Unreal Engine And there's two parts. This is a demo... And the other demo of the playable version That was made more recently is actually a freeroam game.
Now I don't know what this one's all about But I wanted to try this one first because it was made first. I-I honestly don't know how to play. [Phone] -been trying to reach you for the past few days.
[Mark] oh! 'W'? [Phone] *sigh* The endoskeletons are severely damaged
[Mark] Ooh [Phone] And probably irreplaceable with-
[Mark] Huh! [Phone] -the budget you can meet.
[Mark] Huha! Apparently my head is just on a swivel. [Phone] I'd recommend just making new endoskeletons because these *laugh* these CANNOT be fixed.
[Phone] The mainframes are VERY out of place
[Mark] Wruh! [Phone] And I'm afraid if these animatronics were to put on, y'know, say, a show I don't know how to play. [Phone] They would most likely pretty much go wrong in front of children. [Phone] You don't want that, and quite frankly, I don't want that either. I don't know how to play! [Phone] It's of course, you know, just an idea *Markiplier intensifies*I dunno how to PLAY!!! [Phone] But I wanted to call and make sure you know unlike, uh, last time.
Uh oh, that was... What was that!? AAH!! WHAT WAS THAT!? DOOR'S OPEN! OH GOD I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY! AAAH!! WHAT DO I DO? OH GOD! I'M DEAD! AH, FUCK! I don't know how to play! Seems a little unfair! Mmmkay... Jus' gunna... Tone down the...
Volume. Okay, so now that I know how to play And I'm not going to blow out the microphone With my girl-ish screaming. Uh, it's "W" to move forward. And then it's Right Mouse button to use your Flashlight.
Which, I didn't know that. There was no prompts to tell me- That is helpful. That's extremely helpful actually. Oh, what a lovely door.
[Phone call repeats] Jesus, Scott. JESUS, Scott! [Phone] Been trying to reach you for the past few days! *Sigh* That's convenient. [Phone] The endoskeletons are severely damaged and probably irreplaceable with the budget you can meet. [Phone] I'd recommend just making new endoskeletons because these *laugh* these CANNOT be fixed.
[Phone] The mainframes are VERY out of place Uhuh. [Phone] And I'm afraid if these animatronics were to put on, y'know, say, a show [Phone] They would most likely pretty much go wrong in front of children. [Slightly freaked out Mark is slightly freaked] [Phone] You don't want that, and quite frankly, I don't want that either. [Phone] It's of course, you know, just an idea [Phone] But I wanted to call and make sure you know unlike, uh, last time.
Okay. Alright, now that we're back in it, and apparently we're just in a swivel chair, spinning in a- GAAH!!! Whaaat the fuck was thahahat!? Hi!! I saw you there. Holy shit bags! Oooooh!! Ookay! Whoa, I don't like this! Oh, this is the opposite of good. [Nervous laughter] Seriously, It's a bit- It's a bit jovial.
With me just spinning in a God-Damn circle. Woah... Woah-AH! Okay, Hi! Bye! Thank You! Have a good one-AAGH! I WASN'T READY! I DIDN'T KNOW! I didn't know that I d-needed to kipp swivlin' on, 'n... SPAMMIN' mah flashlight, good GOD! Well, this game is frickin' interesting.
For being a demo, that was made in four days, not bad! :) Honestly. Not bad! Also, in case you didn't know, it's fuckin' dark in my room. That's something that I haven't had in a lot of horror games that I've done in the more recent past. I used to do it all the time.
Right now, I just have a single desk lamp, illuminating my face, and it's fricking DAAARK in mah ROOOOM... Soooo... Atmosphere is a very big thing when it comes to horror gaming, the fact that I feel uncomfortable in my own room... Is a good sign, that this is going to be good.
Can I skip this, please? HOOWAHO, WOAH. I didn't realize you'd be coming out so soon. Woah, woah, woah, okay, no one's in the closet - [Hi!] HEEEEEYY! Well that was weird! OK! Woah jeez. Whoa jeez bruh! [Distant howling noises] Oooooh jeez.
I don't know if there's any sound cues for me DJudh-ju goddamn fucking things around me! JUST GONNA SPIN IN A GODDAMN SWIVEL! *CUE DESCENT INTO MADNESS* Oh god, with the thing. It's a little delayed on the-yousbajuteetruoogjhioooooaAAAH. OK, nothing yet. Oh god! JUST GONNA KEEP SPINNIN'! Just keep swimmin'.
Spinnin'. Just keep spin-swimmin'. Ooh fuck, ok nothin' there. I would use- AAAAHAHEY.
Oooh yeah you better close that! Okay. So the real one Tha-the only one that gives me a goddamn clue of what's going on before it happens is the window, and that right door. So if there's nothing there... Oooh.
Thought I heard- AAAH! WHA WAS THAT? AAH FUCK! I THOUGHT I SAW SOMETHING ABOVE ME! DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?! I see- aww fuck Oooh. Nice ba-ba-beh Maybe it was just one of the shadows being cast on the wall, I'm not 100% sure about that Oooo-kay. Probably. 'Kay.
Yeah, so that, I can tell, this I can't tell Why is there a goddamn closet where there's an animatronic Just sittin' there waiting to come out and shout BOO!! Eugh, doesn't seem like sound- -HEY! Fuck off- -business practices Aaah fuck! See This is what I like, it's made- What was that? Oooh that was a sound- AAHAY!!! That's right, back off! Okay. I don't know what's with the one in the back Okay... Nothin' there, nothin' there Check that Okay. Ehhh Survival mode is a biiiiiitch What was that? Did I hear? AAAH AAHAH GOTCHA.
YOU TOO? Okay no? You don't wanna join the party? Alright Aay, I see ya there! Who's callin' me? WHO'S CALLIN' ME? *Telephone Rings* Yes? [Phone] *Sigh* Dammit... *Exhales* [Phone] Uh, Scott? Are you there? [Phone] We've got some...Um...Issues with toy's endoskeletons the past few weeks [Phone] And, uh, you know, may have walked off [Phone] the past few times uh, we've had similar instances,but uh... [Phone] But this one is very, uh, very disturbing [Phone] I've tried to convince them [Petrified Mark is Petrified] [Phone] *indistinguishable* - bribed with money, nothing worked- *Barbled, Metal Like Screech* Mark: AAAAAH. [Phone] - really am, so sorry- *sighs* That was rather creepy, it ended with "I really am so sorry." He he he heh...
That was more frustration that actually being scared, I was like FAAAACK! But how was I to know? That was so quick! It's so slow turning around! HOW AM I TO KNOW? There's no clues! It musta been just opening when I passed it over I'm gonna give that one more go! I'm gonna, I wanna do it one more time This is actually really good! Like, I will admit This's pretty good! I like it I like it a lot Now the other Joy of Creation that was made more recently If I didn't mention it, it features freeroam Which is A whole different experience From what I've done before. But ii- this is by the same person [First phone call starts] SHUT UP! WELL I DUNNO! I DUNNO AT ALL! Oh, where is everybody? Oooh. See, I really don't know if there's any sound BUAHEYYY okay. That door opens quiiiick! I'll tell you whaat! Woah.
Hey, how's it goin'? Anybody back there? Woah-kay. Yeah. This is Whuh But this is made by the same guy that made- or girl, I have no idea That made Those Nights at Rachel's, and if Those Nights at Rachel's is anything like this game I wa-NABUNCHA. AH FUCK YOU! WHAT THE FUCK? GOD DAMMIT I'M BAAAD! Yeah I dunno how'd you do it Other than just spamming at everyone.
Maybe spamming at everyone is causing it to do it more? I have no idea. Okay! Alright, anyway. So I'm trying to listen to audio cues, but that door That door was freakin' siiiiiileeeeent! Woah-boy. Woah-boy.
WOOOAH NELLY. WOAH NELLY (x4) What was that? I heard somethin' Somethin' happened AAHAHEY! Okay! That was a noi- AHEY! I DUNNO WHAT THAT WAS ALL ABOUT! Uh someone's tryin' to double team me over there! It's Freddy and Chica! (The chicken) Havin' a good ol' time! No, Chica (the puppy) not you. Not you. Not you baby.
It's okay. Okay. Oooh boy. Oooooh boy.
Woooah boy! Woooah boy! Woooooooah boy! AAAAGH!!! OKAY I gotcha good! I know- I know what you do Ooh, what was that? Why was there a bird? Ahhh Ahhhh Whhhhoa [the wind howls in this haunted night] I'm to- okay, that was *slight gibberish* That was a sound! I'mma assume. No? Dammit! Oh- OOHEY. AAH FUCK OFF! WOOAH EHH I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN CLICK! GUYS? Uh-oh. That was a thing.
Okay. I wanna make it to the second phone call. Wuh Hey! Okay, got you! Phew! Woo! Woohoho! My head's just on a permanent exorcist cycle just spinning in a goddamn circle. Oooover and over and over again.
Fast as I can go. I know no other way to beat this. Thought I saw something. Eeehey! Ahhkay That was a close one! Wooah that was close.
[Phone rings] Alright, here we go, second phone call. See what happens here [Riiiing] [Second phone call repeats] *Sigh* Dammit. *Exhales* [Phone] Uh, Scott? Are you there? [Phone] We've got some...Um...Issues with toy's endoskeletons the past few weeks. [Phone] And, uh, you know, may have off the past few times- Woah! God dammit! [Phone] - similar instances.
But this one is very- AAH [Phone] -disturbing. I've tried to convince them to replace *indistinguishable* with money, nothing worked. [Phone] I-I'm sorry, I really am. [Phone] I'm so sorry this had to happen.
[Phone] As for the company, I have no idea, just... We've gotta do something. Aaaahh. [Phone] It's...
Getting out of hand. Okay. I ha- I heard that guy- something's getting out of hand, but I'm kinda still worried about what's goin' on in front of me! Which is nooooot gooooood! Woooah. I think it's just a high SCOOOORE SYSTEM! ITSCOOOSYS.
I just gotta get the high score of not-dyingness Which is always a point of pride in my house. PUT THE SHELF ON MY MANTLE!! I put the reward on my shelf on my mantle. Of the not-dying award. It's gooood.
Good-bye! Okay. Why is a leaf- Why was a leaf in here? 'Kay. So far so goo. Hi, bye.
Okay. Got that guy... EEGH Okay. Everything's okay! I think the spamming technique is working! As with everything in life Just mashing it as hard as you can until success happens.
I saw that! I saw that! I saw you! Foxy back there Think you wanna get me? The answer is abso- AHHAHEY. Okay, bye! Bonnie, weird fuckin' Bonnie. Bitch. AH! Okay.
There we go. Good good good! Got thaaAAAAHEY! You came up early! I don't like that. Oooh what was that running sound? Aayoo god dammit! There's no warning for that one! Oh god, that was like open! It was closed! I swear, it was closed! Oh god. Hello, good-bye.
Hello my baby, hello my darlin', hello my ramemah- -Mema-mah-mama-mah! MEMA-MAH-MEMA-MAH! Aw shit aw fuck aw man aw fuck aw shit aw fuck aw damn Aw fuck aw shit aw damn AW FUCK AW SHIT AW DAMN! OH MY GOD I'M GONNA DIE NOW HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT! Oh my god look out Oh my GOD AW SHIT! [Best rendition of Hello My Baby ever] I'm okay. Survived six minutes! That's pretty good! Now I just have to do six more hours High score, baby! Okay, I'm just gonna I wanna see this. Hi Foxy! Hiiiiihahahahey! Heeeey! How you doin'? That is disturbing! Are you havin' a good time? Come on in! Join the party! The water's fine! You just gonna keep goin' up a- HEEYYY! Woooahoho Hey Foxy, how you doin'? Okay! So that is The Joy of Creation. But there's another version of this game that's actually freeroam in a house and now that I've seen this- And this is just the demo.
Made in a few days. That was awesome. So I'm gonna play the next one in this game And then maybe, Maybe, I'll play Those Nights at Rachel's, but The next Five Nights at Freddy's game was announced! Something about a sister location. So if you didn't know about that There's another Five Nights at Freddy's game on the way! And apparently it's not related to the main story line, but it probably expresses the world.
Er, expands the world. So, Thank you everybody so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed the Darker, spookier version of my webcam, and I'll probably be doing this for the next few horror games that I play, just because it adds a lot more for meee! So thank you everybody so much for watching! And as always I will see you In the next video! Buh-bye! DUUN DUN-DUH DUN. DUN CH-DUN. DUUN DUN D-DUN.
*Cool Sounds* Duun Dun D-Dun Dun Dun DUUN *More Cool Sounds*.

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