What is the most 'cutting edge' fact for creation (Creation Magazine LIVE! 3-16)
Christians are often looking for a
silver bullet in the creation evolution debate. What's the most cutting-edge fact for
creation? Today on Creation Magazine LIVE! Welcome to Creation Magazine LIVE! My name
is Calvin Smith and I'm Richard Fangrad. Today we're
going to be talking about what's the most cutting-edge fact or facts to
prove biblical creation? Many Christians, they want an answer to this question. What's the silver bullet? What's the the most cutting-edge fact that's going to prove creation? What's the atomic bomb of creationist
arguments that's going to devastate evolution and be able to prove
my worldview? Unfortunately, there isn't one.
Given the nature of the origins debate that's that's just not how it works. Now there are some excellent
evidences that support creation and we'll deal with some of them in a
few minutes here, a creation and six real days, and that God created recently. The
thing is, the evolutionist can always get around them. There's always some
explanation that you can come up with to get around those, even though we'll
share some the most cutting-edge facts on today's show.
And the reason you can always get around
that is because you talking about something that supposedly happened in
the past. So there's no observational evidence. You can always come up with
a 'just so' story. When I'm teaching I often use a court case analogy.
know, people want to know, well if creationists and evolutionists are observing the same things, how can you have these two different stories? I say well it's like a
court case. Someone commits a crime, there's a body there, everyone's looking around, well, what happened? You collect some data. You get a DNA
sample, or some hair, or whatever, you do. And you go interview some people, and it when it goes to court everybody's
looking at the same facts, nobody has information that the other side doesn't have.
Everybody's looking the same stuff. So you watch one of these shows on TV and the prosecutor he says, well look this is how it happened, and he explains the facts in a certain way. Then the defense lawyer gets up and says, no, no, no, look at
the fact my way. And he reinterprets the information, he
says, no it happen this way.
And so you've got two different stories; histories, about the past explaining the facts, how can you have
two different stories about the past based on the same facts? It's an adversarial system. They're biased. They're fighting against each other. They're paid by their clients to view the facts
in a particular way.
So that's the problem. We're not talking about observational science. Ultimately, all facts are interpreted. We could go outside here and we could pick up a rock, or what we think is a rock.
Even that, it might sound silly, but even that, they're still interpretation involved. You're holding something, it has to do with your senses are your senses
working properly. And it has do with your memory, a past history and so on you know these other things that people
call rocks and this thing looks like those other things, so this must be a
rock. Ultimately all facts are interpreted.
They have to
be. But, nevertheless, moving past that real
philosophical thing, let's consider some evidence that even atheists have said would convince
them that creation is true. For example, let's just make something
up, if human fossils were found with
dinosaurs. Or let's say if human fossils were found inside a t-rex.
So like it had eaten a guy. If news of such a discovery broke what would the response be? Would atheists juts say, well that's it there's a creator! No, of course they're not going to do that. They're going to come up with with an
explanation for these things. They could say something like, oh, see this is proof of time travel.
So we're going to evolve, we're gonna get
smarter, we invent time travel machines some of us went back in time, it was like
one of these sci-fi movies, and one of the t-rexes stomped us down and ate us, and got recorded in the fossil
record, and that's why we found it today. Yeah, so they can explain it away. Even something that we would
consider devastating to their theory, they can still explain it away. There's always a way to explain the facts.
So, there is no magic bullet here.
There isn't. Unfortunately. It would be easier if there was. So why do apologetics at all? People ask that.
We read verses that were supposed to demolish these arguments that people every pretense that sets
itself up against the Word of God. Let's take a look
at Hebrews 11:6 it says, "And without faith it is impossible to
please him, for whoever would draw near to God must
believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek Him."
So what's interesting is, you got this 'no God' philosophy: evolution as fact. Sometimes how God uses that information it that causes people to doubt and then they start to wonder, it's in
God's hands, but that information, you
know, many people attest to, that was what God used to really start them to question that and to start to believe, well, maybe
there is a God. And they came the saving faith.
And we find the same thing in Luke 16 for example the rich man says if there's this great
miracle, if somebody comes back from the dead, then people will believe. And the response is, no they won't. There are no magic bullets. In Job 40, in response to Job's
questioning of God's wisdom God set out his credentials and
challenges Job to answer a 77 question creation science exam.
He says to Job, "Brace yourself like a man. I will question you and you shall answer me."
The exam covers the breadth of God's creative power mentioning the wonders that many animals
that we're familiar with such as the lion, raven, deer, ox and ostrich. Finally there is
leviathan a terrifying aquatic creature with an
impenetrable hide impervious to harpoons, fearsome teeth and a back covered in rows of shields. It even has firebrand streaming from its
mouth and smoke from its nostrils.
Though this may sound mythological to
us, Job recognized it as a real creature. Indeed, one candidate from the fossil
record is Sarcosuchus, a 12-meter, or 40 foot monster, with an
unusual bulbous cavity at the end of its snout that could conceivably have been used
for mixing fire generating chemicals. To find out more from Creation Ministries
International visit our website creation.Com Alright, if you just tuned in we're talking
about top evidences for creation, today on Creation Magazine LIVE. Now, let's start with the growing number of fresh dinosaur bones.
Yes, you heard right, we're not talking about dinosaur fossils,
we're talking about dinosaur bones. There have been a number of discoveries made over the years, we've actually done an
entire show on this, if you missed it, like any episode,
you can go online they're there on the media center on
our creation.Com Go to creation.Com/CML3-02 episode 2 of season 3. Now, we'll summarize it here but
for more details have a look at that episode there. The first major discovery was back in
the 90's, the early nineties and it was red blood cells in a t-rex
And that was ground-breaking. And then in 2005 there was soft tissue in a T-rex bone, apparently seventy million
years old. That's their dating not ours.
Because the first one, that was highly disputed. Oh it's a red blood cell, it's not
really a red blood cell.
It was tested chemically and all checks out. In 2008 had soft tissue hadrosaur bone
apparently 80 million years old. 2012 Dino DNA, and we did a show on that
a few weeks ago. And in 2013 carbon dated dinosaur bones
and also soft tissue in a triceratops horn.
So, lot's of stuff happening there in
the history of soft tissue in dinosaur bones. Here's an actual list of what has been found in dinosaur
bones so far. Just look at the screen We got blood cells, found them. Blood
vessels where their contents could actually be
squeezed out.
Hemoglobin. Actin which is a protein Tubulin, that's a protein. Collagen,
another protein. Histones, this is a specific
protein for DNA.
It packages and orders the DNA so this
is pretty delicate stuff here we're talking about. And actual dinosaur DNA has been found.
These are all things that have been found inside un-fossilized
dinosaur bones. That's a cutting edge fact. That's huge.
It goes completely against evolution that these organic materials should have been preserved in any way a
for millions and millions years. In addition that to all this dinosaur bones have been carbon dated.
Yes carbon dated. Now, carbon dating has nothing to do with
millions the years by the way, check out our Creation Answers Book. You can actually read that book online for free at creation.Com It should only date something up to a
maximum let's say ninety to one hundred thousand years.
Beyond that there shouldn't be
any carbon 14 left. But the the bones have actually been carbon
dated, they got dates, there was plenty of carbon-14 still there,
dates ranging between 22,000 to 39,000 years old But they're supposed to be millions of years old. Yes. Carbon dating shouldn't even work, but it does, they dated these bones.
There's a bit of drama around what
happened with this discovery. The scientists
involved were supposed to present their paper at a
joint conference of the American Geophysical Union and the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society And when two of the conference chairman pulled the paper. The guy did his
presentation, the paper was posted, and it got pulled. And they pulled it from the from
the website.
One of the reports on the conference said this afterwards. "The abstract was removed from the
conference website by two chairman because they could not accept the
findings unwilling to challenge today to openly
their erased the report from public view without a word to the authors." Now if
you want more details on this go to creation.Com/c14-dinos and you going to see at the end of the article it has this list, you can see this on your screen, with links to articles of previous discoveries of unfossilized organic material. Obviously this stuff can't last for
sixty five million years. What they're finding here this is a huge problem, it supports the
fact that dinosaurs lived very recently there's a huge problem for evoluiton.
There's a principal
called Occam's razor William of Occam and so on, and
basically what it is, is the simplest explanation is the best. Or or more fanciful definition among
competing hypotheses the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected. So what's the simplest explanation here?
That it was recent. Not millions of years old.
Dinosaurs didn't
die millions years of ago. Now, people have actually attacked us and said, you guys are making this stuff up. We're actually taking this from
peer-reviewed a evolutionary science journals. We're not making this stuff up We could answer them along the lines of, look if you don't like this maybe your worldview has some
Maybe it needs some adjusting. Creation Ministries International staff,
many from a wide variety of scientific disciplines have produced thousands articles now
available in a massive online database. Some of the topics
covered include: the feasibility of Noah's Ark and evidence for global flood, scientific arguments that explain observations in astronomy within a young Earth timeframe, recent discoveries that support
dinosaurs fitting with biblical history, evidence from biology that shows that the
type of change that is observed in living things has absolutely nothing to do with
evolution. Got questions? Get answers at creation.Com On this week's episode were talking
about the cutting edge facts for creation, evidences that strongly favor
creation and are very difficult to explain for evolutionists.
Now let's move on. Flood geology this is
another area that is just, for many of us, a hands-down winner for creation. But again this is a
matter of interpretation. You're going to find interpretations out there
Well, no flood geology, millions years and so on. But, again, very, very difficult. Grand Canyon
for example, here are the different interpretations: either a wee little bit of water, the river
down at the bottom there carved the canyon over eons of time,
or a whole lot of water did it in a short period time. Same data
It's the courtroom analogy all over again. Right. It wasn't that the flood caused... The flood
laid the the layers down but then as the comments came up water rushed off and it just carved a huge valley.
That's the way we would explain it. We've got modern canyons that have formed very quickly. Here's a Canon that's 1500 feet long,
120 feet deep. This is the Burlingame Canyon near Walla Walla in Washington.
Sounds like an Aussie name actually. It does. Here's a before
and after picture. This is amazing, just the short period
time that this happened.
Anyway, for more details on this go to
creation.Com/walla_canyon and you'll find a neat article on that. That's just an interesting analogy this canyon, it's still pretty sizable,
here this canyon, formed by a lot of water over a very
short period of time, and a good analogy for Grand Canyon that
the runoff from the flood others a great deal of support being for
for the Grand Canyon being eroded by a lot of water not that not the other scenario. A receding flood scenario for the formation, the cutting up the
canyon is a great explanation you can see that at creation.Com/gc-origin and get more details there on the receding floodwaters carving the canyon
toward the into the flood. One of the best evidences that
support the Bible is the concept of fossils being found
globally, everywhere, all over the planet.
would you expect to find if there had been a great deluge like described in Genesis
six to nine? Billions of dead things buried in sedimentary layers,
which is exactly what we find. And some of these fossils are
beautifully preserved. You know that they were buried rapidly. If you got a tree going through several
layers, standing upright, well all those layers must have got laid down at the same time or you wouldn't have made a fossil tree.
Fossils themselves are great proof of what the Bible says, that there was a great flood. If there was a global flood as the
Bible records the fossil record is exactly what we
would expect to find. Right. It's exactly what we expect to find.
However, if sediments were deposited slowly, the evolutionary story that we hear so much about, you
wouldn't expect to find anything biological in the rocks. It would have rotted! Right, because today, you're driving along
the road, you see a dead deer, you know that dead deer is not going to turn into a
fossil. Because it's not going to get covered
rapidly. Of course, evolutionists have now switched, they've said, well, there's been so much
evidence for rapid burial, they recognize that.
They've switched to what they call neo-catastrophism. So they say okay, you got a dead tree there, obviously all the layers got laid
down quickly. So, great so you don't believe in millions of years? Oh yes we do. Say well where does your millions years fit? Well it's neo-catastrophism.
First you deposit this bunch really rapidly,
and this bunch really rapidly this, you ask them, where's the millions of years then? They say well actually it's its in between the layers where there's no
evidence. See what they would say was, look we got
a whole bunch of that stuff deposited and then there was millions of years of
erosion, and then another big dump got put down and then millions of years of erosion. So, now they're saying that the
evidence is in between the layers where there's no evidence. The absence of
evidence becomes evidence of millions of years instead of the other way around and the problem with it is that, if
that was true you would expect, okay well erosion doesn't take place uniformly.
It's going to be all jagged and you should see that,
and then another layer and that's all jagged that's not what we see at Grand Canyon.
It looks like a series of pancakes. It looks like it's cut by a razor, hundred of kilometers. Obviously it got laid down quickly. Great, great support.
The order in the fossil record is
something else that we can point to. If there was a flood we would
expect a certain order. It's not going to be all random. Evolutionists often criticize us...
Because there is an order in the fossil record we would expect an order. A global
flood is going to bury things at the bottom of the ocean first and that's what we find most of. Marine creatures at the very bottom. And then it goes up from there.
Then you
have fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals at the top, and that's generally
what we find. However, a flood also explains things out
of place. And evolutionists say, well, there aren't any. They need a very ordered sequence.
A flood explains a general order and
things out of order. It's a good explanation, a cutting-edge fact. Did you hear about the whale that
exploded? In 2001 a dead whale found floating off
the coast of South Australia did just that Authorities became worried because
people ferried out to the whale charter boats were standing on the floating carcass
while white pointer sharks tore at the whale's flesh. They called in the police bomb squad to
sink it but even after detonating 3 explosives in the whale's belly it still refuse to sink.
Many people
think that when a fish or whale dies it sinks to the ocean's bottom where
sediment slowly covers it and becomes a fossil. But this doesn't make sense. Dead fish
and whales float if pieces do eventually make it to
the ocean floor crabs and bacteria consume them. But we
find lots of fish and even whale fossils showing that they must have been buried
quickly, like in the global flood of Noah that the Bible records.
To find out more
from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.Com Today our topic is cutting edge facts, evidences for creation. Another massive problem for
evolution is mutations in humans. Now mutations are often seen as the saviour for evolution. They're supposed to mutate us and evolve us.
If you're a fan of the X-Men movies and comic books yeah, mutations are good. The problem is a mutation isn't good. And each new generation
humans obviously begins with more mutations than the last generation. This is a massive problem
for evolution.
You may think it's good but it's not, and
it actually powerfully supports creation. Now in Dr John Sanford's book,
Genetic Entorpy and the Mystery of the Genome, he actually summarizes what leading
evolutionary human population geneticists find in their research and we highly recommend this book. It's actually not a fun book
you're not a Christian because what it shows is that within another you know 200 years max our genetics are gonna crash to the
point where, it's just not pretty. But anyway, we know the story is a little
different, if you read the Bible.
We talked
about this before, you can go to creation.Com/cml2-03 That's Creation Magazine LIVE season 2
episode 3 some great information in that about what we're talking about. We're just summarizing now. We'll summarize right here. Here's some of the key points as far back as the 1950's leading human population geneticists were becoming concerned of mutation rates in humans up between .1 To .3 Mutations per person per generation.
Every new generation would have between .1 To .3, They were
concerned. Why were they concerned? Because if the
mutation rates were that high the human race would be doomed to
extinction it's just a matter of time. And we should
not be here if it had been occurring over millions
of years. If it's millions of years, yes we shouldn't...
That was their concern, in the fifties, .1 To .3 What are the actual mutation rates? Genetics has moved
on tremendously since that time. It's a very fast-moving field the science. What are the mutation rates? The latest
data suggests not .1 Or .3 Or one or two but 60. 60 Mutations per person per generation.
What would
that look like? If we start with two people like this so if they have sixty mutations all people in the next generation would have
about sixty mutations and all people in the following generation would have 120 mutations. And all people
next generation would have you guessed it 180 mutations. Now that is absolutely devastating to evolutionary theories how long humans
have been around we can't have been around that long. If we graph it out, and you see this
graph, and wetalked about this on the other program as well.
You can
download the software that actually produces these it's, you go to mendelsaccountant.Info and you can download this and you see, in the center the
screen there, you see the values that have been put into the software and you see those red pluses that form
the sloping line that's fitness starts at 100 percent
fitness at the bottom of the graph is
zero percent fitness when that red line reaches zero we don't
have enough fitness to survive and to live. We're extinct. It's an extinction event. A way to get people to understand this
is, if you took the Encyclopedia Britannica as an analogy for the human genome and you put it on a computer and you introduced random mutations random spelling
mistakes and you just let that thing fly eventually you not going to have you know 30 new volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica.
You're gonna have a mindless piece of goo. It's not going to say anything, it's just going to be random letters and it's not going to have any more information. That's exactly what's happening to the human genome. And
an even if evolutionists want to say, well, but you have a beneficial mutations, even by their own standards there isn't enough beneficial mutations to overcome all the deleterious ones, that are deleting information.
The most natural interpretation is that humans have not been evolving for millions of years
otherwise we wouldn't be here. We would be extinct. And this is
a huge problem in currently and they don't have an
answer. Yes, they don't have an answer.
It's a cutting-edge, it's why those, it's similar to a magic bullet because they don't they don't have an answer yet. But
the will come up with something eventually. But, let's turn the cart around and, is it a problem from our perspective? Absolutely not! It fits exactly what the Scriptures says, that in the beginning we started as
perfect, and wasn't that long ago and then we've fallen. See the fall wasn't just a
spiritual thing it's not just a philosophical thing.
Romans 8, it affects the whole creation.
The entire creation groans and travails and is wearing out like a garment. Well that's exactly what's happening to our
genetics as well. So it fits perfectly with what the Scripture says so, yeah, not a problem for us to explain
it all, huge problem huge cutting-edge problem for evolution. And we'll be back Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith also
host a fast-paced and informal internet based video program
called Genesis Unleashed.
These faith-building teaching videos features responses to news articles, summaries of articles on creation.Com, interviews and answers to some of the most asked
questions about the creation evolution issue and the most-attacked book of the Bible: Genesis. Visit creation.Com's media center to view subscribe to the
latest video content. Welcome back to Creaiton Magazine LIVE here we're in the feedback segment and thi is kind of a different type of
feedback because you know people often write in and give us their testimony about what they experienced
and their journey and course this feedback, this person it actually became an article on the website and it was entitled, Amazed to discover evidence for creation. This is David Spannenberg and he writes about his experiences and we thought that you can probably relate to
this, or you or people you may know can maybe relate to David story here.
He grew up as an
evolutionist, he was taught that school, yada, yada... We all know the story we have all been taught that and he says further in this article
he says, "It wasn't until I was about 28 years old that I first heard any mention that there was evidence to
back up creation and a young earth. It hadn't occurred to me that there was
a problem with believing in millions of years of evolution. But then I heard testimony of a man from my church I was involved in he was brought up in the church went to
Newcastle University, this is in Australia, to do a
science degree, lost his faith in God and the Bible as a
result of evolutionary teaching, that's popular nowadays, and majored in evolutionary studies himself.
But then someone challenged him with the evidence a biblical creation to the
point where he became a Christian. So, just remarkable. Now he incorporates
creation science into his class instruction as a science teacher in a Christian school in Australia. So
David is referencing this this guy here.
That's such a
common... We hear that all over the place. We both go out and speak, and there's other speakers around the world, seven officers we have right now
around the world and speakers go out and speak and we hear this all the time. Parents come up to us afterwards and they
say, you know we tried our best with little Johnny or little Suzie, they went off to University now
they don't want to come to church anymore.
They're not interested, they're toying with atheism, et cetera et
cetera. And just how powerful those evidences
are. Because you know getting back to the whole
topic of the show today, okay, if atheists can always explain the evidence according to their worldview then what's the purpose of
apologetics? The fact is, some people harden their hearts the Bible's very clear about that. You read the book of Romans it's very chilling in a sense that God says that
some people even though they knew God at one point the evidence for Him was clear plain to see by everybody,
there's no excuse for anyone not to believe in the creator God,
which by the way isn't enough for salvation.
It's enough to condemn you, you know that there's a God that you're responsible to but that's not enough to save
you. But some people just keep forcing the knowledge of God away from
them to the point where they can actually confess and say, I don't believe
there's a God. So the evidences are important because some people they don't harden their heart and God
uses these evidences In examples like David here. A wonderful example.
I loved one of the comments he said, From him I found out about Creation
magazine, he's talking about the testimony of the fellow he's seen, he found out about Creation magazine, started to receive my own copies, and this is his own words, initially I was really ticked off with what I was reading not because it was bad because it was
good. Why I had not been taught anything about this evidence for creation over
the last thirty years of church attendance? He's like, well, where's this jem been? And we've heard that before. There are other testimonies as well.
People are... I remember someone years ago coming up
to me, a young person, coming up to me angry.
"Why haven't I been taught this before?" I. Thought, oh, here we go You thought he was mad at you. Yeah. Why haven't I been taught this before? He was upset at his church leaders, and other teachers in his life.
know the guy is a Christian but, I've never heard this before. That's
what we want to do at Creation Ministries is get this information out there as much as possible. Go to creation.Com.

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